Born for Significance: Master the Purpose, Process, and Peril of Promotion

Come and discover who God made you to be.

We will be starting an eight week series on September 7th from 6:30 - 8:00 pm (every other Wednesday) until December 14, 2022. This time will include watching “Born for Significance” video by Bill Johnson and group discussion. To have a lasting impact on humanity, we must be more than people who see problems. We must be people with solutions. Through these eight-sessions, we'll explore the scriptural basis that reveals God's heart for promoting His sons and daughters. You'll gain practical tools for taking hold of your next blessing and strategies for overcoming opposition along the way. You'll also glean fresh insight on how to use your blessing the way God intended, to bless others and glorify Him.

Optional materials are his book, “Born For Significance” and study guide. Click here to purchase from the Bethel bookstore or here for Amazon (they are currently having a sale).

The eight week series will cover:

September 7: Session One - The Purpose of Ruling

September 21: Session Two - Positioning Your Heart

October 5: Session Three - Principles of Promotion

October 19: Session Four - The Power of Blessing

November 2: Session Five - The Promises of God

November 16: Session Six - Promotion and Adversity

November 30: Session Seven - The Pain and Power of Rejection

December 14: Session Eight - The Perils of Blessing