Who: Men & Boys (age 5 and up)
What: Overnight camping & hiking
Where: Lake Waveland Park https://www.lakewaveland.com/camping
11677 S State Rd 47 Waveland, IN 47989
Notes: Modern shower houses and restrooms are accessible throughout our park. Each site will be permitted up to two tents and up to six people.
One vehicle permitted per site. Additional parking available for extra vehicles.
Hiking: Shades State Park https://www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/2970.htm
7751 S 890 W, Waveland, IN 47989
When: Friday, Sept. 20th 2:00pm--Saturday, Sept. 21st. 2:00pm
Overflow will be covering the price of the campsite. You will be responsible for the price of parking for your vehicle and for food and camping supplies.
More information will be provided when you check out and click on the registration button.