Salvation Prayer


Lord Jesus, I believe that You are the Son of God, that You died on the cross for me, and that God raised You from the dead. I want you to come in and take over my life right now. I am a sinner. I have been trusting in myself and my own good works to get me to heaven. But now I place my trust in You. I believe that You are God and that You paid the price for all the punishment that I deserve, because of what I have done. I ask You to forgive me for the bad things that I have done and wanted to do.”


Ask the person to make specific confession of his sins, indicating his repentance for each one and asking God for His forgiveness for each one.

“I choose today to also forgive everyone who has ever wronged or mistreated me.” (List their names.)


“Today, I repent of my sin and I ask for Your blood to wash me clean. Jesus, I ask You now to come and take control of my life. I will do whatever You tell me to do. Help me to turn from my sins and to follow You. I accept Your free gift of eternal life. I know I am not worthy of it, but I thank You for it. I renounce every other god or spirit that I have let into my life and I declare that Jesus Christ is my one and only Lord. Please fill me with the Holy Spirit now and give me grace so that I can keep these promises. Amen.”


Thank God for the seeker’s confession and ask the Holy Spirit to fill him. Then you lay your hands on the person’s head. Thank God for his or her confession and repentance and pray for the person to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Biblical Prayers

Holy Spirit

  • “More.” (“How much more will the Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask.”) Luke 11:13

  • “Come, Holy Spirit.” Acts 1:8

God’s Love

  • Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ Romans 8:31

  • See what love the Father has lavished on us! 1 John 3:1


  • For a spirit of love, or of peace, etc., to be on the person

  • Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy Romans 14:17

God’s Will & Wisdom

  • Your Kingdom come, Your will be done Matthew 6:10

  • Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding Proverbs 3:5-6


  • My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches and glory Phil.4:19

  • Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart Psalm 37:4


  • May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing Romans 15:13

  • But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength Isaiah 40:31